Attractive Partners – How It All Began!

Way before the internet revolution of dating sites and apps got into its stride, back in 2003, Attractive Partners was launched by the original founder of the company Elizabeth Fogarty from Pool House, a lovely country property in the village of Kings Coughton, in Warwickshire, with the first employees working from that address in a beautiful village location.

To prove its value and the strength of the marketplace of people looking for a traditional face to face dating service of high quality, Attractive Partners quickly grew beyond all recognition and to accommodate a rapidly growing team took its first office at Arden Court in Alcester, Warwickshire, a year later.

16 years on, we are still in Alcester and now have the largest team of personal matchmakers in the UK, the largest database of personally interviewed and vetted clients and a demand for service that has seen the company grow exponentially in recent years on the back of the years of success that we have enjoyed. To become ‘The UK’s favourite Dating Service’ in our eyes.

So what is the secret of the success of Attractive Partners? We asked the current owner and M.D. of the parent company Dating Options Ltd, Mike Parker, ‘What is it that sets Attractive Partners apart and makes them such a runaway success’?

Say’s Mike: ‘That’s quite easy as I just think there is something magical about the name Attractive Partners. It was cleverly thought out initially and for me it describes exactly what we try to do as a business – introduce attractive people to each other right around the UK’.

Mike continues ‘For me it isn’t just about attractiveness in the purest sense, meaning introducing people is not necessarily about beauty as that is only skin deep, attractiveness is about the whole package and bringing people together away from the internet, is all about personalities being compatible too, as well as physical attributes, intellect and having some interests in common’.

There is a counter argument too, as Mike so rightly states ‘Being open minded is also very important too as a psychologist would tell us that attraction and chemistry actually come from diversity and opposite characteristics, not necessarily commonality and some of our very best matches have come from this area, which is something that could never be replicated by an algorithm on an online site or app. But is something that our matchmakers deal with almost everyday, often surprising themselves with their successes’.

He continues: ‘We use the very latest in matchmaking technology, designed by our own in house experts and our matchmaking team, but combined with good old fashioned listening skills, an instinct as to what makes an excellent match, great training and by recruiting the right quality team in the first place. It works for us!’

So it’s good to see that traditional, face to face dating is alive and well at Attractive Partners and that 16 years on from inception it is still going incredibly strongly, with fabulous success over those years. With the burgeoning crime rate attached to online sites and apps – its one of the fastest growing crime categories in the UK, fake profiles running into more than 1 million according to the BBC’s Panorama and fraud levels running at more than £100,000,000 per annum if social media stats are included, the question has to be asked ‘Is it any wonder’?

Would you like to hear more about Attractive Partners? Well you can do so without any obligation whatsoever by ringing us at our expense on 0800 644 4140 or completing our contact form online and letting us get back to you. It’s always free and without any sort of sales pressure – just a good honest chat with one of our experts. Ring us any day between 9am and 9pm – you might be very surprised.

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