Jennifer Aniston’s Split: Why ‘Mutual and Loving’ Celebrity Break-Ups Can’t Be Trusted

Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux Call Time on Their Marriage

February 14th, 2018, was Jennifer Aniston’s first Valentine’s Day as a single woman for quite some time. Seven years before, she’d fallen in love with actor, Justin Theroux on a movie set. A modern love story followed. We’d all been rooting for Jennifer to find love. Brad Pitt’s deflection to Angelina Jolie had seemed so brutal, back in 2005. Years later, Brad told a journalist that, pre-Angelina, he felt ‘pathetic’ and that he ‘wasn’t leading an interesting life.’ He added: ‘I think that my marriage had something to do with it. Trying to pretend the marriage was something that it wasn’t.’ However, at the time, the couple issued the following statement – This decision is the result of much thoughtful consideration. We happily remain committed and caring friends with great love and admiration for one another.

The truth was, Jennifer was in agony. Like any other heartbroken human being – who has been lied to and cheated upon – she was angry, bitter and lost. However, to others suffering the same torture, Aniston and Pitt appeared to be sailing through, devoid of resentment.

So, can we trust Jennifer’s latest break up statement?

Apparently, Jennifer and Justin are going through a ‘mutual and loving’ time. This is wonderful, if true. Yet, we can’t allow Hollywood shimmer and shine to make us feel bad about our own messy emotions when our hearts are broken.

Celebrities sugar coat the truth to prevent feeding the gossip industry. This is perfectly understandable. Their private lives are none of our business. But what we must never do, is allow the spin to make us feel inadequate.

In an ideal world, every break-up would be mutual and loving. After all, healthy, life-enhancing relationships are every-one’s ultimate aim, whether with a lover or an ex. When Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin sweetly announced their ‘conscious uncoupling’ every warring couple with children envied their zen like behaviour towards each other. Surely, at least one of them must have been heart-broken?

Apparently not, according to their PR strategist.

A Great Advocate of Self Care in Times of Distress

Despite the smoke screens, there are lessons to be learnt from celebrities like Jennifer Aniston. The actress surrounds herself with great friends in times of pain. Exercise. Meditation. Girls’ trips. These are the tonics Jennifer swears by.

In many ways, Jennifer Aniston is an inspiring role model for singles…just don’t believe the break-up hype.

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