New Dating Trends, 2022

Due to a rapidly changing social landscape, ideas about dating have been transformed over the past three years. For many single men and women, this has been a good thing. Anonymous hook-ups and quantity over quality are now out-dated concepts – thankfully! Dating is constantly evolving. Here, we take a look at new dating trends, 2022.

Emotional Intelligence over Physical Attractiveness

Can it be true? Yes!

Our clients increasingly note emotional intelligence as one of their must-haves. We’ve all been through a stressful period in history. The last thing single men and women want is a new partner lacking in empathy and integrity. According to a recent ‘Single in America Report’ by Match, eighty-three per cent of singles surveyed valued emotional maturity over physical attractiveness.

We all know that looks fade as wisdom grows. However, pre-pandemic, online dating had transformed the search for love into a Hunger Games like mission where only the fittest survived. At Attractive Partners we are thrilled to see human qualities once again being celebrated over looks!

Taking Things Slowly

We speak to many clients who feel they’ve been rushed into relationships. In fact, oftentimes things have turned sour before a first date due to one person not responding to a text quickly enough! Therefore, we are relieved to see that people are now more willing to give a new relationship a chance to develop at a calmer pace. Pre-pandemic, love felt disposable. In 2022, single men and women are seeing loyalty and exclusivity through a new lens.

You’re Never Too Old

Google searches for ‘older dating’ increased by 3,500 percent early in 2022. It is no longer frowned upon to be seeking love as a mature adult. With people over 50 looking better and feeling healthier than ever before, the ‘mature dating scene’ is an exciting place to be.

If you’re single and wondering whether it’s too late to find your soulmate, here’s a simple answer: it’s not!

The Attractive Partners Team would love to talk to you about how we can help you to find your perfect match. Call us today!

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