On line Dating and ‘no-strings sex’

Monica Porter the journalist has been in the press recently promoting her new book, ‘Raven’ that recounts her experiences on an online dating website in a year she describes as ‘dating dangerously’.

She says that feelings of rejection from the breakdown of a long term relationship were involved in what led her to try this and that she had sex with over 15 men in the year, all of whom were many years younger than herself. Some encounters are described as ‘safe sex’ and some as not safe..

Are we supposed to cheer her on then? ‘Go get ‘em girl!’ perhaps we should be shouting? Sadly I really think not. As she acknowledges herself, this was something she needed to get out of her system and as she says ‘not something you can do for very long, you have to move on.’ She has since deleted her online dating accounts.

It’s hard to work out who is exploiting who in such ‘relationships’. After all, it is between consenting adults so ‘what’s the harm?’ Well, if it does not make for happiness then maybe it is not very healthy for us after all.

The term ‘friends with benefits’ seems to be floating around these days – a man recently asked me if I knew what it meant and whether, if this was no strings sex, did that actually appeal to women? He was recently out of a very long term relationship and casual encounters can seem more attractive when we are still emotionally bruised and not wanting to get hurt.

However for those who are ready for a real relationship, surely casual no strings sex is no substitute for someone to love and to love us in return.

Let us know what you think and if you have experienced others looking for very casual encounters through online dating.

We find that those choosing to join our personal introductions agency are looking for something much more special and we are very happy to help make that happen.

You can read more about Monica’s story here in this link to The Daily Mail: Read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2585144/The-sex-wasnt-safe-60-year-old-recently-revealed-toyboy-exploits-quit-online-dating-influx-offers-eligible-age-appropriate-men.html#ixzz2wW44H6va

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