Five Signs That You’ve Met Your Perfect Match

Older, wiser souls tell us we’ll just know when we meet our perfect match. Apparently, there will be inexplicable feeling that the universe has finally delivered ‘The One’.

If only!

For many of us, past hurts and disappointments have created an air of suspicion and restraint. We want the giddy excitement of a first date – and maybe a second – but do we really want to make ourselves vulnerable to the prospect of truly feeling something for another human being? “What is love, anyway? “ we ask ourselves.

Here are five signs that suggest you may be about to find out…

  1. Thinking about a future together doesn’t scare you. When you receive an invitation with a ‘plus one’, you’re no longer putting an RSVP on hold until you’re sure you’ll still be together. When you browse Owners Direct for a small casa in Spain, it’s your new partner you imagine floating around in the pool beside. You’ve even decided to break tradition and not spend Christmas with relatives: a cosy wood-burner and turkey for two is all you want from Santa this year.
  2. You are no longer governed by routine. The gym sessions you once attended religiously are now sometimes dropped for spontaneous drinks to share exciting news, or time spent listening to your partner when you know that he or she has had a testing day. Somehow being together always seems to take priority.
  3. Your partner makes you feel better looking and more accomplished than ever before, yet you still feel in awe of everything he or she does. You’re seeing your partner through the eyes of adoration and it feels great. Their success is your success.
  4. You have to stop yourself from calling your partner every time you read or hear something that makes you smile/cry/would interest him or her. You want to share your thoughts and there is no filter.
  5. You’ve stopped paying attention to what your ex is doing. Finally! It doesn’t matter anymore! You feel entirely liberated. Your new partner has surpassed anything that has been before…isn’t love just the best thing?

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