A Great Honour For Attractive Partners – Best Practice Representative 2019

This year we were honoured as a company to have our parent company the Dating Options Group, approached by Lord Eric Pickles, the Chairman of the Parliamentary Review Committee and to be nominated as the Best Practice Representative for the Dating Industry for the year 2019. It is one of our proudest achievements ever.

Since our inception in 2003, we have worked hard to make Attractive Partners one of the UK’s top personal matchmaking agencies. We have an excellent team, who put their hearts and souls into making Attractive Partners something to be proud of, but for Dating Options our parent company, to receive this honour from the Parliamentary Review committee really is a very powerful accolade, that we are absolutely delighted to receive and be part of.

It has given us the chance to focus on things that we do well and that we can share with other agencies to generally improve standards within the industry. We have highlighted the problem areas within the industry openly and honestly, particularly the online dating sites and apps that have suffered many problems and the actions we take as a company to mitigate the risks. Have a read of the Parliamentary Review yourself:


Here are the steps we have taken to produce what we believe is the best dating service in the whole of the UK:

Personal interviews for every new member

Something that online dating companies simply cant do, sitting with you in your own home, a chosen convenient location or at our centrally located office, thoroughly getting to know you, the things that are important to you and what makes you tick.

Use of one of the most comprehensive client questionnaires in the industry

Our interviews are typically 2 to 2.5 hours long, covering every subject that we can about your personal preferences and what you actually seek in a partner. We then create your own professional profile that others are going to be attracted to.

Every new joiner is carefully vetted and checked

Before we take on new people we thoroughly check them out to ensure that they meet our standards and yours. We check their residency, who they have lived with/are living with, we check for any involvement with crime or fraud and finally their solvency to ensure that they are joining Attractive Partners for the right reasons.

The cleanest and most carefully kept database

Because of the comprehensive nature of our questionnaire and the thoroughness of our authentication and verification system, we have a very clean database and clients that we can 100% vouch for, because we know them so well.

A large team of Personal Matchmakers

Our team of Personal Matchmakers is one of the largest in the UK. They are thoroughly trained experts in their own right, fully able to guide you through the jungle that dating can sometimes be. Our matchmaker will be by your side throughout your membership or until you find ‘the one’.

Use of the latest matchmaking technology

Our matchmaking technology is bespoke and has been launched within the last few months. It has been painstakingly built by our own technical experts but to the specifications of our matchmaking team. It can locate ideal potential matches quickly and easily but then the hard work of sifting begins as each and every match is endorsed and recommended by your own Matchmaker.

Photographs that are up to date and that present you at your best

Photographs are incredibly important and during 2019 we have developed our own in house studio for those visiting the office and Alison, our resident photographer, always ensures you are presented at your absolute best.

A range of prices and options to fit most budgets

Our prices are mid range and offer significant value against those of London based agencies. We cover the whole of mainland Great Britain too and have a strong database across the whole country.

The chance to visit us and check us out

Unlike many of our competitors we have a real office, rather than using an accommodation address or serviced office, we have a large centrally located office, at which we receive clients every day. There is a standing invitation for you to visit and check us out, meet your matchmaker and get expert help from one of our membership advisers as to which would be the right package for you.

Like some help? Want to talk about dating and the problems that you have encountered? Well we’d love to hear from you. Come and test us out and find out for yourself why we were nominated as Best Practice Representative 2019 – we are confident you will be impressed and will see recognise the quality of service we provide. Get in touch by phoning us at our expense on 0800 644 4140 or complete our contact form on the website and we will be in touch within 24 working hours.

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