How To Beat The Monday Blues

As we step into 2023, the Attractive Partners team are choosing to ignore the notion that January contains the most depressing day of the year. Who wants to start a new year feeling less than raring to go? Here are our tips for beating the Blue Monday blues.

What is Blue Monday?

Blue Monday (16th January) is said to be the most depressing day of the year. Infact, it is little more than a concept created as a PR stunt started by Sky Travel in 2005. With many of us profoundly missing the glittery magic of Christmas during early January, Sky Travel´s marketing strategy was simple: tell people that they are particularly depressed at this time of year and encourage them to book a holiday.

Dr Ravi Shah, a psychiatrist at the Columbia University Irving Medical Centre, says – “There is generally more sadness in the winter time and January is not uncommon at all for overall more sadness among folks, so rather than dial in to one specific day, I think the more interesting question is what it is about the winter that affects our mood.”

Scientists and medical professionals agree that Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is real. During the winter months, when there is less sunlight, a biochemical imbalance can occur in the brain. Symptoms of SAD can include a lack of energy, feelings of sadness and weight gain due to overeating.

How to Combat the Blue Monday Blues

If you find yourself feeling low during the winter months, focus on increasing your light exposure. Wrap up warm and take walks. Enjoy warming hot chocolates sitting outside. Capture stunning winter scenes on camera. Perhaps most importantly, invest some time in Light Therapy. Sitting in front of a light box for around twenty minutes each day could make a real difference. Many Light Therapy users report seeing improvements in their mood and general sense of wellbeing within weeks.

Recognising a problem is always the key to finding a solution. If you find yourself feeling unusually tired or low during winter, increase the time you devote to self-love and care. January is a great time to focus on your exercise routines and your diet. Create tasty, nutritious menu plans. If you are not sure where to start, take a cookery course and have a great time developing your skills with other novice chefs. Find uplifting exercise classes locally and online. Think about how great you are going to feel and look as when spring arrives!

Keeping yourself socially and mentally active will make a world of difference while we wait for brighter days. Think about January to March as a fantastic period of you-time, offering opportunity for putting big plans in motion.

Importantly, resist going into hibernation!

It's so easy to fall into a routine of work-home-work-home when it´s cold and dark outside.

Remember, human beings are social creatures. We need connection… and research has found that online chat just doesn't cut it.

Make a deliberate effort to check out what's on at your local cinema, theatre and art gallery. Bring together groups of friends with common interests. Throw supper parties at home and plan cosy pub lunches with family. Rally together those who love to get outside and visit the UK´s beautiful parks and National Trust sites. Life doesn't stop in January, it really is just beginning!

Put Great Relationships First

At Attractive Partners, we bring single professionals together every day. We take away the stress of online dating by carefully choosing matches for you based on your wants, needs and preferences… alongside occasional ´wild cards´ that may delightfully change your perception of what your perfect match looks like. All of our members are ID checked and personally interviewed by our friendly team of dating professionals. Your safety is key – Attractive Partners is a dating industry leader in safeguarding.

By becoming a member of Attractive Partners, you will gain the expertise and support of your own Personal Matchmaker, alongside a team of dating coaches and profile writers. A professional, personal profile will be created for you – this will only be shared with your potential matches and will NEVER appear online. Once you have approved your profile, your Personal Matchmaker's work begins. You will be sent the profiles of wonderful, potential matches for your consideration.

If you are interested in adding love and romance to your plan for 2023, we would be delighted to hear from you. Call us today for an informal chat with a member of our friendly team.

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