Planning a successful date

Taking your first steps back into the world of dating can be daunting, especially after the break down of a long term relationship or a period away from the dating scene. But let’s say you have taken the plunge, thought long and hard about the qualities you want in a prospective partner, signed up and sat back to see what happens awaiting a hopefully successful date. Then there’s a phone call or email to say you have a great match and suddenly it hits you that you have to go on an actual date. An actual date in the real world with a person who might just be right for you. For lots of us is the truly terrifying part but with some good planning and perhaps a little deep breathing you can have a successful and even fun date!

There are a few key factors to consider to ensure a successful date, first thing is to first, relax. This is much easier to say than do but piling on the pressure is only going to make it more difficult to connect with someone. It’s easy to get carried out with whether or not your date is marriage or long term material but that should come later. Enjoy a date as just that, a date, something that is fun, exciting and a chance to meet someone new. So take a deep breath, smile and enjoy yourself even if your date is not the man or woman of your dreams you will have had a new experience and learnt a little along the way.

Location, location, location, so important we said it thrice. This should always be the first item on your date planning list. Location can make or break a date, choose a location that is too quiet and empty and feel self-conscious, somewhere too loud and packed and find yourself screaming at the person opposite you. The perfect date location should be bustling but not crowded and steer away from anywhere overly formal. The background hum of other people can create a friendly atmosphere and help conversation flow. It can also help you feel safe when meeting a stranger. A gastro pub, comfortable bar or bistro style restaurant make a great relaxed backdrop for an early date. Struggling to find conversation over a 10 course tasting menu can make for an awkward encounter.

Deciding what to wear on a date can become all-consuming and is often where people go wrong. A first date is not the time to experiment with a brand new style or wild hairstyle. Your date wants to meet you so be you. Wear something that you love but that compliments your natural style. Picking an outfit that’s comfortable and easy to move around in will also help put you at ease. That being said turning up in jogging bottoms and an old sweatshirt is probably not going to go down well. You want to show your date you have put effort into your grooming and by association into your date. This is vital as first impressions DO matter and for you to have a successful date you want to make that first impression a good one.

Dating should be a pleasurable, exciting time full of possibility. By taking time to think about the basics you increase your chances of having a successful date and just maybe taking a step closer to the partner of your dreams.

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