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Master the Art of Balancing Dating with a Career

Achieving career success and a rewarding romantic life can often feel like a tricky balancing act. Climbing the professional ladder while nurturing self-growth can leave little time for taking the pursuit of love seriously. At Attractive Partners dating agency, we take on the time-consuming task of identifying exciting matches for you. However, there are some things you can do on a personal level to help you enjoy professional and romantic success.
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An Honest & Transparent Matchmaking Service

Today we wanted to clarify our matchmaking service and talk on the record about Attractive Partners and how we work. At Attractive Partners – an honest and transparent matchmaking service is always our aim and priority, here we talk through our service and what working with a Personal Matchmaker actually means.


Getting the most out of a new relationship

You join Attractive Partners, another mainstream personal introductions agency or an online dating site, of which there are many thousands in the UK. But what about getting the most out of a new relationship, when you begin to meet new people? What’s the etiquette, how is it best to go about it and what are the traps that you can so easily fall into?

Here are a few pointers from our own matchmaking team at Attractive Partners and the sort of sound advice we would normally give:


Planning a successful date

Taking your first steps back into the world of dating can be daunting, especially after the break down of a long term relationship or a period away from the dating scene. But let’s say you have taken the plunge, thought long and hard about the qualities you want in a prospective partner, signed up and sat back to see what happens awaiting a hopefully successful date. Then there’s a phone call or email to say you have a great match and suddenly it hits you that you have to go on an actual date. An actual date in the real world with a person who might just be right for you. For lots of us is the truly terrifying part but with some good planning and perhaps a little deep breathing you can have a successful and even fun date!

debut-matchmaking-membership-e1670328167969.jpg Rape Trial – Judge Expresses Safety Concerns

As the rape trial drew to a close today and Jason Lawrance was convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment, the trial judge Gregory Dickinson expressed grave concerns for the safety of women on and other online sites.

Says Judge Dickinson ‘I would like to see if lessons can be learned from the use of such sites’ and he called for prosecutors to examine the standards of supervision on online sites.

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