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Five Signs That You’ve Met Your Perfect Match

Older, wiser souls tell us we’ll just know when we meet our perfect match. Apparently, there will be inexplicable feeling that the universe has finally delivered ‘The One’.

If only!

For many of us, past hurts and disappointments have created an air of suspicion and restraint. We want the giddy excitement of a first date – and maybe a second – but do we really want to make ourselves vulnerable to the prospect of truly feeling something for another human being? “What is love, anyway? “ we ask ourselves.


Are dishonest profile’s killing online dating?


Ashley Madison’s ‘Fembot Army’

An army of fake female accounts, dubbed Ashley Madison’s ‘Fembot Army’. Was used by the controversial dating site of the same name to lure men into paying for the site, according to independent auditors Ernst & Young. A huge proportion of female users of the site were allegedly ‘Fembots’ created to run automatically and impersonate real women. This practice continued until late 2015. The site that once advertised itself with the tagline ‘Life is short. Have an affair’ has suffered a series of humiliations.


Online Dating – there IS an alternative!

On the day that Christopher Heayns has been jailed for 9 years on 4 counts of online dating fraud, we again need to ask the question why? How on earth could Liz Todd, a 31 year old hospital doctor, ever have been duped out of more than £168,000 and her mother a 60 year old Biochemist more than £125,000? The fact is – it’s easy and is beginning to happen so frequently! But do you need to rely on online dating – there IS an alternative!

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