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Why Gen Z Are Choosing Matchmaking

The Decline of Dating Apps: Why Gen Z Are Saying ‘Yes’ to Matchmaking In the age of swipe left, swipe right, and endless scrolling, Gen Z has become disillusioned with modern dating. Young people - who have grown up within an online world - are now seeking a return to traditional matchmaking and romance.
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On line Dating and ‘no-strings sex’

Monica Porter the journalist has been in the press recently promoting her new book, ‘Raven’ that recounts her experiences on an online dating website in a year she describes as ‘dating dangerously’.

She says that feelings of rejection from the breakdown of a long term relationship were involved in what led her to try this and that she had sex with over 15 men in the year, all of whom were many years younger than herself. Some encounters are described as ‘safe sex’ and some as not safe..


Finding happiness after divorce or separation


Living Apart Together – is it for you?

Looking back a few years, relationships tended to start with a first date which after a few meetings led to that ‘going steady’phase, before either a tearful break-up or a decision to live together and eventually get married. How the world has moved on!

These days dating and what constitutes a ‘relationship’ is less clearly defined.


On line dating scams in the news

You may have read the Daily Mail’s article at the weekend, of yet another con man taking advantage of women in their 40’s and 50’s who were looking for love on an online website, this time Plenty More Fish. Posing as a very wealthy man, he went on to obtain their bank details before stealing from them and leaving them heartbroken.

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