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Dating Tips: How to Flirt the Right Way

How to Flirt the Right Way - A Beginner's Guide Flirting is a fun and playful way to connect with others. If you would like to improve your skills, here are a few tips from the Attractive Partners dating team to get you started.
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Five Signs That It’s Time To Kick An Online Dating Habit

Welcome to the world of online dating. A world where single men and women rapidly move through hundreds of dating profiles at a time. A world where singles eliminate those who do not live up to a rigid set of standards…before spending another evening alone surfing Netflix. Where height defines a man and age defines a woman. Where often all is not as it seems. Just like Survivor style reality shows, love in the modern world is all about survival of the fittest.


Catfishing – setting your mind at rest

Fake online dating profiles have long been a problem in the UK, with the BBC’s respected Panorama programme highlighting a figure as high as 1 million in the UK alone, as long ago as 2013. Over the last week ‘Catfishing’ – the use of fake or fraudulent profiles on online dating sites and apps has become a massive issue. With the Labour MP for Stockport Ann Coffey, utilising an adjournment debate in the House of Commons to bring the issue to the attention of her colleagues across all parties. Here we look at catfishing – setting your mind at rest from an Attractive Partners perspective.


How to Create The Perfect Profile Picture

We all know that humour, intelligence and warmth are wildly attractive human traits. However, it’s also no secret that when considering a potential match, most of us are guilty of judging a book by its cover. To maximise your chances of making a great first impression, we’re going to explain how to create the perfect profile picture.


Why Online Dating Leaves Romantics Cold

Two years ago, Rowella James – author of the inspirational novel ‘From Darkness to Truth’ – decided to join an online dating agency. With many of her peers already married, or in long-term relationships, Rowella was finding it increasingly difficult to meet interesting, single men. Though opportunities to ‘settle’ had arisen in the past, she had always been clear on what she was looking for – “That intuitive knowing that I had truly met someone I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.” Disappointingly, her decision to turn to the internet for help illustrated perfectly why online dating leaves romantics cold.

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