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Snow Day Dates : Three Ridiculously Romantic Ideas For Singles

Why Snowfall Creates The Perfect Storm For Singles

What could possibly be more romantic than a snow date? Whilst severe weather conditions can cause plans to go array, a winter wonderland awaits once it’s safe to step outside.

Everything looks more beautiful in the snow. As a result, many of us recapture a sense of childhood wonder. We are at our most playful. This creates the perfect storm for creating magical memories and falling in love.


Jennifer Aniston’s Split: Why ‘Mutual and Loving’ Celebrity Break-Ups Can’t Be Trusted

Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux Call Time on Their Marriage

February 14th, 2018, was Jennifer Aniston’s first Valentine’s Day as a single woman for quite some time. Seven years before, she’d fallen in love with actor, Justin Theroux on a movie set. A modern love story followed. We’d all been rooting for Jennifer to find love. Brad Pitt’s deflection to Angelina Jolie had seemed so brutal, back in 2005. Years later, Brad told a journalist that, pre-Angelina, he felt ‘pathetic’ and that he ‘wasn’t leading an interesting life.’ He added: ‘I think that my marriage had something to do with it. Trying to pretend the marriage was something that it wasn’t.’


Online Dating: Why A Third of Users Never Get A Date

Why Online Dating Doesn’t Always Deliver

Whilst one in five adults between the ages of 25 – 34 have used online dating, new research by The Pew Research Center suggests that a third of all users will never get a date. As a result, many users find their faith in finding love fading. Despite thousands of online options, recent data – released by The Times – suggests that 95% of Millennials would prefer to meet someone offline, Why?


Five Signs That It’s Time To Kick An Online Dating Habit

Welcome to the world of online dating. A world where single men and women rapidly move through hundreds of dating profiles at a time. A world where singles eliminate those who do not live up to a rigid set of standards…before spending another evening alone surfing Netflix. Where height defines a man and age defines a woman. Where often all is not as it seems. Just like Survivor style reality shows, love in the modern world is all about survival of the fittest.

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